Habit@ is a service concept that helps users meet their sustainability goals, learn green habits, and connect with their communities to contribute to a thriving biome and witness their impact on a local and global scale. Our goal with this project was to find and design for a opportunity in the market with a focus on environmentalism. 
Our target demographic is environmental activists, individuals looking to build eco-friendly habits, and anyone else interested in being part of a more sustainable world. 
We interviewed dozens of individuals from online environmental communities and climate experts at our university. We were able to learn a lot more about the interconnectedness of individuals, the communities they belong to, and even corporations, which is visualized in the diagram below. We also learned a great deal about the value of education from our interviewees and gained valuable insight from the following quotes:
“Most people accept climate change, but not enough people actually talk about it!” 
“If people feel like it's on a slow boil, people aren't being reactive or responsive enough to get things done.”
“The media is too doomsday focused and it paralyzes the people because they feel like they can’t do anything individually.”

Value Flow Diagram

Our team created several storyboards informed by our research. These were shown to our target users and rated for relevancy.
Lo-fi prototype
The frames below were shown to our user testing group to see which ideas aligned with them the most. The frames contained enough detail and color to help our users understand what an end product might feel/look like, but were still very far from the look of our final prototype.
final prototype
Testing of our lo-fi prototype led us to:
- Expand on the  "Pokémon Go"-esque map feature that allows users to mark locations of interest and learn about pro-Earth activities in their area
- ​​​​​​​Explore how to incentivize users to form sustainable habits while also achieving our goal of empowering non-profit and activist communities
- Create a intuitive user experience meant to welcome new members of the sustainability community 
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